
AI leads are companies that are precisely matched to your lead pipeline

AI leads instead of cold address lists

Leads based on your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

Add additional leads to your lead pipeline that exactly match your ideal customer profile. Define your ideal customers based on various characteristics. You will receive a data set consisting of the company name, address and business data.

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Benefit from AI leads for B2B companies

  • Personalize your online marketing
  • Increase the conversion rate
  • Reduce your marketing costs

Tailor-made B2B leads for your acquisition

B2B lead generation

Why rely solely on content marketing and advertising to generate leads when there’s an easier way? Provide your sales team with new companies that are similar to your existing customers.

Account Based Marketing

Use the possibilities of your account-based marketing by aligning your targeting to specific companies. Place targeted advertising and concentrate exclusively on companies that are similar to your desired customers.

AI leads for intelligent marketing

Narrow down the target group

Do you have a precise idea of your next customer? Perfect! Define your filter on this basis and find similar companies at the touch of a button thanks to our artificial intelligence.

Active leads instead of cold addresses

The main difference to a lead list? You get companies that actively surf the Internet and no cold addresses

Exploiting new sales opportunities

With AI leads, you receive B2B leads that really match your company and offers. This makes acquisition extremely easy. Use these new sales opportunities for your marketing and sales.

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With LeadLab, you work in a comprehensively legally secure manner. This is because we only use GDPR-compliant enterprise databases that are not subject to the data protection of individuals. Plus: The data depth of our technologies is not based on cookies. And our in-house data protection expert Günter Jobst is always on hand to answer any questions you may have.

From development to data protection: Made in Germany. And that since 1997.

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