GDPR conform |
cookie free |
Software made in Germany |
Google reviwe |
27 years of |

B2B Targeted Advertising works on an IP basis and completely without cookies. Benefit from more conversions and less wastage.

Advertising tailored to your custom audience

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IP-based account-based marketing: a new era of advertising

Use accurate data for IP-based account-based marketing that respects user privacy while delivering effective results. These approaches allow you to build a more direct and relevant connection with your target audience without relying on outdated and increasingly regulated cookie tracking methods.

By relying on Domain to IP’s advanced technology, you can be sure that your advertising strategies not only comply with current data protection standards, but are also future-oriented. Engage your target audience in a way that protects their privacy and set new standards in digital marketing.

More than

years of experience

Data protection
Data from


Onboarding at companies

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Place your trust in our expertise

We do not want to impose any technology on you. But rather integrate smart technologies in such a way that you get the most out of them! Our consultants are experienced sales and marketing specialists who provide effective, knowledgeable support.

Define your B2B target group with precision

B2B target audience

Start with what you know. Define your target group by directly specifying company names or domains. Ideal for approaching well-known companies in a targeted manner.

Custom Audience

Customize target groups to specific needs. Define your ideal B2B audience based on parameters such as industry, company size, turnover and country. This allows your customers to reach exactly the companies that are best suited to their products or services.

Lookalike Audience

Expand your reach by adding similar companies (lookalikes) to your existing company list. The basis of the list can consist of customers as well as followers on social media or current leads. This method helps you to tap into new target groups that have the same potential as your existing customers but have not been in your focus so far.

Customized landing pages for your advertising campaigns

Dynamic Content allows you to customize landing pages to your B2B advertising in order to increase content relevance and conversion rates. Content is tailored to the needs of your target audience in real time, creating a more personalized and effective user experience. Optimize your pages for maximum engagement and lead your visitors to conversion faster.

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With LeadLab, you work in a comprehensively legally secure manner. This is because we only use GDPR-compliant enterprise databases that are not subject to the data protection of individuals. Plus: The data depth of our technologies is not based on cookies. And our in-house data protection expert Günter Jobst is always on hand to answer any questions you may have.

From development to data protection: Made in Germany. And that since 1997.