Together with our in-house data protection expert, we ensure that you can always use our solutions in a legally compliant manner. The integrity of our customers is not negotiable.

Find out in our interview why you can use LeadLab for your digital new customer acquisition without hesitation. We answer a selection of data protection-related questions that external data protection officers ask us.

Complete legal certainty

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GDPR and LeadLab

The Basic Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) “contains provisions on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data” (GDPR). It is a regulation of the European Union and is valid since 25 May 2018. Our technologies comply fully with the GDPR.

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What is personal data?

Personal data is “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person” (Art. 4 No. 1 GDPR). At no time do we work with personal data: LeadLab is a pure B2B tool. The data we collect does not originate from private individuals, but from legal entities.

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Independent expertise

Benefit from digital progress: We are constantly developing our technologies in terms of content and technology. The early involvement of our external
and independent data protection officer is an integral part of all development processes. In this way, we set the course for legally compliant data protection right from the start.
Use of our technologies.

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In-house data protection coordination

To us, data protection is not just an empty phrase. In addition to our independent external data protection officer, an internal data protection coordinator has been
appointed He is available to answer individual questions from our customers and coordinates all measures together with our external data protection officers
for the legally compliant use of our technologies.

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Legally speaking: Range measurement

It is in your legitimate interest to measure the reach and success of your website. Es liegt in Ihrem berechtigten Interesse, die Reichweite und den Erfolg Ihrer Website zu messen. WiredMinds GmbH always acts on your behalf. We collect the visit data for your website. We do not use the data collected on your behalf for our own purposes and always keep your data in Germany.

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Company identification and data protection

We connect the analytical data, which we obtain by purely measuring the reach of a website, directly with the so-called originator, the website visitor. At no time is this done on a personal basis, but with an unmistakable B2B focus. Our customers receive company and behavioral data: all data protection requirements are fulfilled.

Frequently asked questions

We do not use cookies and we do not read any data from the end user’s device (§25 TTDSG). The data used by WiredMinds is read from the TCP/IP protocol. The TCP/IP protocol contains all technically necessary data for establishing a connection between the website visitor and the website operator. This data is transmitted to the website operator without any action on their part and may be used for reach measurement. We access this data on your behalf and carry out the reach measurement for you.


We take the IP address from the TCP/IP protocol and compare this IP address with the WiredMinds company database. Only if this data comparison is successful do we record the visitor behavior or provide you with company-specific information. We do not focus on the visiting behavior of natural persons.

We hold the data of stock corporations, associations and organizations, public institutions and partnerships with more than five employees worldwide. This includes the company name, address, central telephone number and e-mail address, sector, sector code, turnover size, company size and year of foundation. If this information is available.

The collection of personal data from publicly accessible sources such as commercial register excerpts, company websites or social media platforms is subject to specific information obligations (Art. 14 GDPR). After carefully examining various providers, we have found that these information obligations are often inadequately fulfilled. We therefore consciously decide against including this type of data in our solutions and always act on your behalf in the interests of data protection.

    Data processing agreement

    Use our online DPA for direct approval or for forwarding and review by your data protection officer

    Data processing agreement

    Data Protection Addendum

    Data protection package

    You will receive the data protection package when you sign the contract. This contains, among other things

    • Data protection whitepaper
    • the code line for the opt-out
    • Overview of data protection at WiredMinds

    Data protection notice

    Adopt our data protection notice text for the use of our solution. Add the text and the opt-out code directly to your data protection notice on your website.

    Data protection notice

    Data protection notice

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    Article in e-commerce 3/2020

    Corporate visitors to websites may not only be recorded anonymously in accordance with data protection. The analysis of their visiting behaviour may also be enriched with specific, non-personal, company data, such as company name and address, industry, industry code and company size. At WiredMinds, we call range plus data enrichment.


    Just for coffee!

    Cookies have never been relevant for us – and that’s why LeadLab’s performance remains this above all else, even after the ECJ ruling on the use of cookies: impressive.

    More articles on the topic of data protection at WiredMinds

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