
Getting Started with WiredMinds Partners

WiredMinds Documents

Download all relevant files for the presentation of LeadLab in our toolbox. We are very happy if you also communicate our partnership on your own marketing channels. You can use the logos and text templates for this purpose. Please do not forget your own campaign parameters and inform us about the publication.

List of interested parties

In order to avoid channel conflicts, it is important that you send us the companies you want to approach in writing by e-mail stating the company name, address and URL. The companies are then stored in our CRM with your partner note.

Download Analysis Tracker

Before introducing WiredMinds to a prospective buyer, please check if a WiredMinds code is already installed on the website.
We use the plug-in Ghostery (ghostery.com). If WiredMinds or DIVA (our white label partner Burda) is displayed there, the company may not be acquired.

LeadLab is a great treasure that we are happy to pass on to our customers so that they can actively and professionally work with their sales.

Frank Deutschmann, Managing Director, MONOBLOC

Lead process: Report interested parties. Initiate the test.

Report lead

If you would like to contact a prospective customer, please let us know in advance by e-mail with the company name, address and website URL.
We check in CRM whether the lead is already being processed. If not, the lead will be reserved for you.

Please use the email address: partnerlead@wiredminds.de

Place the test

As soon as a prospect wants to test LeadLab, please send us an e-mail (if not already known from the lead message) with the following information: company name, valid e-mail address of the contact person in the company and the URL on which to test. We then set up the test account and your customer will receive the tracking code and user login to LeadLab via email.

Arrange a presentation

After the test starts, we agree with the customer on the next steps. This can be both a shared webinar after the test begins, or a final presentation after the end of the test. We will be happy to carry out the presentations together with you and also prepare all documents.

Use scenarios

Place WiredMinds correctly.

For existing customers:
Introduce WiredMinds to your existing customers and place the test. You can use the data as the basis for your next customer campaigns or use the data you gain to plan additional campaigns with your customers.

For new customers:
Use WiredMinds as a complementary tool for your new customers to optimize your campaigns efficiently and sustainably and at the same time generate additional sales value for your customers.

Set yourself away from your competitors and present WiredMinds as a complement to your campaign ideas. This is how you present yourself as an innovative service provider in times of digital transformation.


Logos, images, presentations.

On the right you will find WiredMinds image & info material for download, which you can use for your partner activities.

We look forward to every publication on the subject of lead generation with WiredMinds. Please inform us about your planned campaigns and remember to set your individual campaign parameters for all links to WiredMinds: wiredminds.de/?wmc=Name_Partner


For all technical questions, our support team or our digital help center is available free of charge:

Our team of experts from the service department will help you to solve technical problems free of charge. When you contact us by phone, you do not end up in a call center, but are connected directly to one of our employees – without any waiting loop. We support you in the implementation and use of our software solution.

Helpcenter: help.wiredminds.de