GDPR conform |
cookie free |
Software made in Germany |
Google reviwe |
27 years of |

Our web analysis shows all relevant visit data
in a simple way.

Web analytics –
Simple and data protection compliant

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More than just a web analysis tool

Our B2B software analyzes the key performance indicators (KPIs) of your website. Individual dashboards, sophisticated filters and automatic reporting ensure that you only see what you need for your web analysis – quickly, easily and without getting lost in a complex interface.

LeadLab web analytics at a glance

The visit statistics give you an overview of the quantitative performance of your website.

This can be helpful to check the effect of marketing measures or to generally assess whether the number of visitors is increasing or decreasing.

MARKETING 4.1 Effektiv arbeiten Gezielt informieren |

All data can be read out in the usage statistics in order to recognize which elements of your website were used and how.

Analyze here quickly and easily which pages were visited, which links were clicked on or which downloads were made.

SALES 3.1 Perfekt akquirieren Angebote masschneidern 1 |

LeadLab uses the visitor flow to visualize the navigation of visitors. Select according to various parameters, such as origin, industries or campaigns, to better understand visitor behavior.

This gives you a clear overview of the way your visitors view the website.

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For LeadLab
every click counts

Instead of processing only part of the total data volume for analysis (data sampling), LeadLab takes into account every click that visitors make on a website – and stores the data for you over a period of 24 months.

Specially designed for B2B web analytics, LeadLab delivers fresh leads every day. As 2-in-1 software, website monitoring and lead generation are combined. This allows you to turn anonymous website traffic into promising leads and customers of tomorrow.

Our customers

Companies from numerous industries trust in the technology of WiredMinds.

LeadLab ist mehr als eine Leadliste

High recognition rates, reliable data quality, behavioral data, filters, scorings and reports are among our LeadLab standard functions.

In addition, LeadLab offers you a unique depth of data, unlimited qualification possibilities, which – like no other solution – enables it to be adapted to every sales & marketing process. This not only provides you with lead lists, but also highly qualified, meaningful lead profiles and marketing analyses that meet all your requirements and questions.

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LeadLab provides you with international company data to the highest standards. Our extensive databases and self-developed algorithms guarantee you the highest recognition rates and best data quality.

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Thanks to the variety of our functions, LeadLab can be individually adapted to your company – our technology can be integrated into your processes in just a few hours. WiredMinds Consulting will help you with this.

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Flexible integration options

LeadLab can be easily integrated into external systems. This means that the data can be optimally integrated into your existing workflows.

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Social media and AI

Touchpoint analyses and social media statistics provide you with information about the company’s user journey. Links to external AI systems provide you with further relevant company information.

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B2B heatmap

Use the heat map to discover graphically how your target groups behave on your website and identify key areas of interest and optimization opportunities.

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Receive additional B2B company data that you can select according to your criteria. This is how you push your lead pipeline and increase your lead pool for new campaigns.


  • Industries
  • Company sizes
  • New companies
  • Visits per period
  • Geolocation
  • Pages / URLs
  • Areas
  • Entrances/exits
  • Downloads
  • Referrer
  • Events
  • Visitor flow
  • Origin
  • Source
  • Search engines
  • Search phrases
  • Campaigns
  • Social Media


  • Industries
  • Company sizes
  • Markings
  • Geolocation
  • Pages / URLs
  • Campaigns
  • Periods
  • Operating systems
  • Browser
  • Mobile use

Filter types

  • Separate filters
  • Complex filters
  • Fixed filter


  • Lead reports
  • Marketing Reports
  • Online Reports
  • Lead alerts
  • Google Tag Manager Tag
  • LinkedIn export
  • Branded reports
  • Google Looker Studio API feed
  • API feed

Report types

  • .pdf
  • .csv / .xlsx
  • html
  • Plain Excel
  • Text

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LeadLab fulfills all our requirements for web analysis. WiredMinds is the guarantor for data protection.

Timor Krimmel, Digital Projects and SEO
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GDPR-compliant web analytics with LeadLab

In this interview, we explain why LeadLab can be used without hesitation to acquire new customers. Our data protection coordinator Günter Jobst answers some data protection-related questions that external data protection officers often ask us.


With LeadLab, you work in a comprehensively legally secure manner.

In this interview, we explain why LeadLab can be used without hesitation to acquire new customers. Our data protection coordinator Günter Jobst answers some data protection-related questions that external data protection officers often ask us. And our in-house data protection expert is always at your side for all your questions.

From development to data protection:
Made in Germany. And that since 1997.