With the exclusive LeadLab insights, you achieve a higher output in your marketing activities

You invest in your website and marketing to generate new leads, but are you really using your website to its full potential? Link LeadLab to your website and also identify the companies that are not converting. This allows you to create greater added value and achieve a faster ROI on your marketing investment.

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Target group analyses

The LeadLab data company name, industry and company size provide you with previously unknown information about the visitors to your website. Is the right target group on my website and what content are they interested in? This provides important clues for your content marketing.

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Campaign analyses at target group level

Connect your campaigns directly with LeadLab. In addition to your web analytics data, LeadLab not only provides you with quantitative click figures for your campaigns, but also tells you which campaign generates the best leads. This gives you even more transparency and helps you avoid bad investments.

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Automated lead pipeline to the sales department

Use smart filters and scoring to qualify and select relevant sales leads, which are automatically sent to your sales department in a report. This creates a continuous lead pipeline for your sales department and allows you to focus on your projects.

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Customer journey analyses

Our visitor flow analyses give you a detailed insight into the customer journeys of individual target groups. Where, for example, are the jumping-off points for certain sectors. With targeted content optimization, you can reduce bounce rates and increase your conversion rate.

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KPI dashboards & integrations

With the individual dashboards, you have everything in view. Which campaign performs best, which leads went to sales, etc.? With our numerous integrations, e.g. in Google Looker Studio and Hubspot, LeadLab adapts perfectly to your workflows.

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LinkedIn campaign link

With just one click, you can use LeadLab data for account-based marketing campaigns on LinkedIn. This way you only advertise to companies that are relevant to you. This allows you to create target group-specific campaigns with less wastage.

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With LeadLab, you work in a comprehensively legally secure manner. This is because we only use GDPR-compliant enterprise databases that are not subject to the data protection of individuals. Plus: The data depth of our technologies is not based on cookies. And our in-house data protection expert Günter Jobst is always on hand to answer any questions you may have.

From development to data protection: Made in Germany. And that since 1997.

    The fields marked with * are required.

    Win new customers

    With LeadLab, you can monitor your website visitors and then acquire them at exactly the right time.

    Reactivate former customers

    With clever filters, you can focus exclusively on former customers and contact them directly as soon as they return to your website to find out about your offers.

    Discover up-selling potential

    See which pages current customers are looking at to find out who has upselling or cross-selling potential.

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    Customer service

    LeadLab can be used to identify companies that are active in the service area on your website but do not make contact of their own accord. Proactive contact is therefore efficient.

    Existing customer care

    By tracking customer behavior on the
    website, you can better understand what existing customers are looking for and prefer. This leads to targeted and effective customer service.

    Termination prevention

    See which pages current customers are looking at to find out who has upselling or cross-selling potential.

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    Account Based Marketing

    By recognizing specific company names, you can carry out account-based marketing, e.g. via platforms such as LinkedIn.

    Online marketing strategy

    The tracked campaigns in LeadLab show which campaigns a company used to reach your website. This allows you to target your online marketing campaigns.

    Content optimizations

    You can display which sectors
    are on your website. This provides you with important
    points of reference for content marketing.

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    In order to be able to carry out a qualification despite the high number of leads, we were looking for a solution that uses AI technology to enrich these leads with additional company data and information.

    Stephanie Ueltzhöffer, Sales Engineer New Business Development, Pepperl+Fuchs Vertrieb Deutschland GmbH

    Further LeadLab modules

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    Heatmap from
    B2B perspective

    Get detailed insights into how visitors interact with your website. LeadLab gives you the option of selecting according to B2B parameters such as industry or company size. These valuable insights enable you to develop targeted marketing strategies and optimize your website effectively.

    AI leads matched
    to your customer profile

    B2B leads that are actually active online and that you can select according to your specific criteria. Rely on these companies for intelligent marketing and targeted customer acquisition.

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